
Showing posts from 2022

Time flies

This week was pretty fun. I worked on a project at school where I'm pretty passionate about, and also, I had some fun with my classmates too. The week went by just like that. Time really does fly. The older I become the faster things go. I really don't want time to go this fast though. It feels like I'm wasting my time especially by having mental illness and experiencing everything that has to do with all that. I feel like time is being taken away from me sometimes. Without me being able to do anything with it.  I really hope though that spring will come fast. The flowers are already kind of out everywhere. It seems that it won't be long. I've been waiting for that moment. It will at least give me some more hope for the future. The winter isn't good for me.  What I've been working on mostly is still trying to get my name out there. I need to generate at least a bit of income, because if it goes on any longer than this I really will not make it. A Fivver acco

My journey with my mental health

So I'll paint you a picture first: I was the quiet kid at school. To the point people forgot I was even there. I often sat in class just daydreaming. and when they did know I was there, I was called lazy. In hindsight I know that what I was going through was not normal. It wasn't what other kids were going through even though I thought it was. It turned out all I was suffering from was executive dysfunction, and just ADHD as a whole. They called me lazy. They let me fly under the radar. They set me back an entire niveau because I failed in a bunch of classes because of not doing my homework. I failed tests because even though I study days before I completely forget it the next day. I struggled on my own for all of those years. And I believed, I strongly believed that it was normal to feel like that. Up untill I was like 20. It didn't hit me earlier. I could hit my teacher for not seeing that something was wrong. She didn't do shit. She should've. They should've

Working on me

It's been a while. I decided to come back to my blog concidering I had this insatiable feeling of wanting to write things. And so here I am. I guess you could say a lot of things changed in my life. And I changed as well. At least thats what I like to think that I did. First of all, I'm not sure wether or not I mentioned it in my last post or if it was too long ago, but I went back to school. It seems like I needed a new goal and perspective in life, and that's exactly how it went.  The more I went through life the more I learned about me and how my brain works. It's been eye opening for me. At the same time I feel resentment towards those who could've seen it but never bothered to investigate me past just telling me that I was lazy and bad. Personally though no matter how angry I am I do think I need to work past this with a therapist. Hopefully things will be sorted out in the future to the point I'll be able to go back to therapy again. I'd like to work t